How to optimize your profile on Instagram


With more than 1 billion active users, Instagram has become one of the essential elements for any social media marketing strategy. If you are looking to boost the sales of your business and improve your online visibility, it is essential that you know the full potential of Instagram.

That is why here we give you some tips to optimize your profile that will help you enhance your brand image on this social network. Take note!

1. A striking profile photo is essential

The first thing you should take into account when optimizing your Instagram profile is the following: this is a visual network, so you have to know how to attract the attention of users to be successful.

To achieve this, you must have a sharp, attractive and memorable profile photo. If the photo is to promote your brand, we recommend choosing carefully which one represents you best; Not to mention that it should convey empathy and warmth to your target audience.


2. Choose your username wisely

Your username must relate to your name and your brand. If you can use your name or your business name without adding changes, so much the better.

Make your name short and easy to remember, so users have no trouble locating you. In your case, you should avoid the use of symbols at all costs, as these could cause problems for users who search for you. If necessary, use numbers or characters that are easy to remember and that are compatible with your username. And don’t forget to keep it short.

3. Add a description of what you do, how and where

To optimize your Instagram profile for companies, you must detail in which sector your business is located through the “Category” section.

In the “Biography” section you must detail in a few words what you do, how you do it and where you offer your services.

In this section, we recommend using a #hashtag with your brand name, you should also add related keywords, and if possible, a link to your website.

4. Forms of contact

Your profile must also have contact forms, both to validate your account and to remain in contact with your followers.

In this case, we recommend that you add the WhatsApp link, since this is the preferred one of the users of the platform.

5. Use Featured Stories to showcase your services

Take advantage of Featured Stories to present your products or services with a good design. This will enhance your profile and give a better image, in addition to making your followers know you much better without leaving the profile.


6. Add the location

We advise you to add the location both in the Instagram profile, as well as in the publications and stories, so that users can see where your company is and where all the content you share is made.

It will also allow you to appear in Instagram searches that include that location, thus expanding the reach of your posts.

7. Plan your content according to your corporate colors

Think about a global vision of your profile, is it chaos and you upload photos without any planning? Change the chip and plan well the images you are going to use, review your brand manual and corporate colors and give your Instagram an organic design.

8. Attractive and inclusive content

Content creation is the key to improving your visibility on Instagram. Bet on photos and videos that are of interest to users, in addition to being visually attractive. Keep in mind that visual content is the main feature of this social network. The more identified users feel with the content you publish, the more likely you are to get new followers. Remember that at Cute Digital Media we provide you with a complete advertising service so that your audiovisual content creates the best experience for your customers.

9. High-quality photos

Publish quality, well-focused photos, avoiding blurry or cropped images.


10. Brand identity

Make sure your posts on Instagram (and all social networks) respect the brand’s visual style guide, to maintain the identity of the company in all publications (colors, fonts, etc.).

11. Make use of hashtags in your post

Use hashtags in your posts (without going overboard). Classify them into general hashtags that describe your business or products, community hashtags (#instagramers #runners #emprendedores) and your own hashtags that you can use for branding.

Find the hashtags that your community uses the most and follow them to interact with other users.

12. Invest in Instagram Ads

Promote your content with Instagram Ads. Segment your target well through Facebook Business and create campaigns as posts or promoted stories.

13. Analyze and rethink your strategy

With the company profile you can access the statistics and know how your content works, as well as find relevant information about your audience such as gender, age ranges, origin, time spent online or most active days. The more information, the better decisions. Never settle for what works and take risks to keep moving forward.

The process to optimize your Instagram profile is finished with these steps. Now you just have to keep your account active, interact with your followers and publish constantly. In this way, you will have consolidated your position in the social network in less than you imagine.

Don’t wait any longer and start applying these tips to your Instagram profiles. Do you need help to manage social networks or prepare your business publications? Don’t worry, we can advise you. We are your marketing agency in Miami. Contact us here to receive your first FREE consultation!



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