6 reasons why to do email marketing

6 reasons why to do email marketing

One of the best strategies to have a direct connection with your customers and keep them always informed about your brand is email marketing. So if you own a business in Miami and you are still not convinced of the importance of this tool in your digital strategy, don’t worry, here at Cute Digital Media we share with you a list of the 6 most powerful reasons why your brand needs to start using it to reach and attract your target customers.

1.  Email marketing is profitable

No matter what new tactics or strategies emerge in digital marketing, you need to implement tactics that allow you to maximize your marketing budget while achieving your overall goals.

Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective digital strategies to reach and engage your target audience. Depending on your internal resources, you may need to hire help to create the content for your emails. On the other hand, email marketing automation services have a cost, but the investment is less than other alternatives.

In addition to a relatively low cost, email marketing also has a high return on investment (ROI). According to Campaign Monitor, for every dollar invested, an average of $38 in ROI is generated. This makes email marketing the perfect digital marketing tactic for businesses working on a tight budget.

Likewise, email marketing tactics, such as segmentation and triggered campaigns, will help you get the most bang for your buck. This allows you to grow your business without investing all of your revenue in digital marketing. Cost-benefit is an important reason for your business to leverage email marketing.

2.  It allows you to reach more mobile customers

The number of consumers using mobile devices on a daily basis continues to increase. Email marketing is an effective tactic to help you reach and engage your mobile consumers.

To ensure your messages are effective, create responsive email content. Use small images or videos that can load and be viewed on a mobile device quickly and easily. Make sure your written content is short and sweet, make it easy for them to click on all links and direct them to responsive pages.

6 reasons why to do email marketing

3.  Allows you to automate the process

One of the 6 reasons you need to do email marketing is that it lends itself to automation and doing so helps you improve the relevance and timeliness of your campaigns.

Use triggers and workflows to automatically send messages to consumers after they take a specific action.

For example, let’s say a customer visits your website, spends a lot of time looking at different products, adds some to the cart, and then leaves without buying. With automation, you can send them an email shortly after they’ve abandoned their cart, reminding them that they left and asking if they need help completing their purchase.

In this example, email marketing automation turns a missed sale into an opportunity to build a stronger relationship and make a sale. In addition to improving the relevancy and timeliness of your campaigns, automation also helps you save time and money in the process. You don’t have to worry about waiting for the perfect time to send a message. The system takes care of that, allowing you to focus on your core business.

4.  Doing email marketing makes it easy for you to personalize your content

Digital consumers want marketing to be more personal and tailored to their needs and preferences.

Email marketing makes it easier for you to personalize your messages and the content you deliver to your subscribers. It also improves open and click-through rates, as well as overall conversion rates.

Something as simple as using your consumer’s name can make all the difference. According to HubSpot, emails that include the recipient’s name in the subject line have a much higher click-through rate than those that do not.

Segmentation is an effective tactic for increasing the personalization of your messages and content. It’s the process of dividing your subscriber list into different groups, based on common characteristics.

For example, you can segment them by their geographic area, dividing them by those who live in similar climates, by their personal interests, or by demographic information.

Segmenting your lists ensures your subscribers receive the type of content and offers that appeal to them. Doing so increases relevancy, reduces unsubscribe rates, and improves conversion rates.

5.  You can make it interactive

Email marketing allows you to deliver interactive content directly to the consumer’s inbox, at a much lower cost than other marketing tactics.

Interactive content keeps them interested and engaged before they return to your website to take action.

Include in the body of the email from embedded video content, to email carousels to better capture the attention of your audience. Email marketing also allows you to integrate other digital marketing channels.

For example, if you send a video in an email, you can include a button to share it on social media. The more integrated you make your marketing campaigns, the more touch points you’ll have with your target audience.

6.  Allows you to quickly and easily measure your efforts

The only way to know if a digital marketing tactic is working for your business is to measure the results.

One of the benefits of email marketing is that your metrics are easy to measure and track. Email marketing analytics allows you to see which users opened your emails, if they clicked on any links and if they took the desired action.

It also lets you know how many people unsubscribe from your list after opening an email, valuable information that allows you to make the necessary adjustments to improve your strategy.

An email marketing software will also allow you to perform A/B testing, to determine which specific elements of your messages have the best results. For example, you can test different subject lines to see which one has higher open rates or test different offers to see which one influences the most conversions.

6 reasons why to do email marketing

Start growing your business with email marketing

Now that you know the importance of email marketing and how it can help your business grow, make an implementation plan.

Start by defining how to grow your mailing list, what type of content to offer your subscribers, and how to influence them to convert more over time.

Still need expert support? Write to us for a free consultation We offer you our digital strategy and content marketing services to help you create the ideal email marketing that will bring more sales to your business.



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